
Investigating the World of the Paranormal
Investigating the World of the Paranormal
First: Don't Panic! Rarely are Paranormal events harmful or dangerous as depicted by Hollywood and TV.
Second: Record your experiences. Keep a record of the time, date, location and what you experienced. Many times a pattern will develop that will help us investigate with better results.
Third. Contact us to perform a thorough investigation using some of the latest Paranormal equipment . Our services are free of charge and we will share all our findings with you.
T.R.I.P.S. Paranormal or Three Rivers Investigative Paranormal Society is a not for profit group who's main goal is to capture verifiable proof of the Paranormal. We employ many different types of equipment used by the Paranormal field to capture evidence during our investigations. We are also proud to be a member of the TAPS family, a sub-group of The Atlantic Paranormal Society, founded by Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson from the Ghost Hunters TV show.
After you contact us, we will review your experiences and evidence and schedule a time to investigate. Paranormal investigations usually occur at night and last several hours. We will deploy cameras, sensors and audio recording devices to try and capture your activity. Usually within a week or so we will review the data and present you with any evidence we may have captured.
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By Appointment